Saturday, October 08, 2005

Rob Lowe in UK's "Elle"

There are reports of Rob Lowe being featured in the UK version of "Elle" magazine.

In related news from ContactMusic:
"US actor ROB LOWE was astonished by his children's maturity when they were forced to leave their pets and friends behind to relocate to London.

THE WEST WING heart-throb is currently starring in West End play A FEW GOOD MEN - and he insisted on taking his whole family to the British capital for the duration of his six month stint in the show.

He says, "I'm very proud of them. It's hard for a nine and an 11-year old to leave their dogs, their friends and their school.

"We tried to bring their dogs but, believe me, it's easier to get a terrorist into this country than an animal." "

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